
Every year, we send our APEX (Airline Passenger Experience) Media team to capture the attention of 3,000 conference attendees at APEX EXPO and improve their overall experience by providing in-the-moment news and event coverage.

How We Engage Event Attendees

In 2018, we sent a team of 17 content marketing experts from around the globe, to report on the event and provide attendees with a 360º perspective. This included news coverage, interviews, photography, filming, video editing, writing, editing, art direction and project management.

The following content was created and distributed during the event*:

  • 3 daily magazines (140 pages, 4,200 copies)
  • 4 daily e-newsletters
  • 20 YouTube videos
  • 38 articles on the apex.aero website
  • 80+ live tweets
  • 20+ Instagram stories
  • 1 podcast, recorded at APEX EXPO 2018

*Advertising and sponsorships were arranged prior to the event.

1,000 copies of the latest issue of APEX Experience magazine were also distributed.


During the four-day event there were 18,865 sessions on apex.aero and 164,781 social media impressions. Also, the APEX Instagram account received an increase of 7.2% followers during the event. And, three weeks post-event, there were over 8,300 YouTube video views and 79 podcast plays.

"To have content marketing expertise on the fly to fluidly ramp up with our entire team that’s going 100 miles per hour is a dream come true for us and it would be in any industry."
– Dr. Joe Leader, Chief Executive Officer, APEX/IFSA